Visual Arts
Artistic expressions found in drawings, painting, photographs, and other visual arts can help us reflect on and face end-of-life issues.
Death Portrayed in Art
This website takes a look at how artists have dealt with the subject of death in their art. Artists in different cultures and different times in history have portrayed death in both symbolic and literal ways.
A Brief History Of Artists Grappling With Loss And Death
From the 15th century to 2015, these are just a mere portion of the artists who’ve turned to art in the face of loss.
Well Illustrated: Visions at the End of Life
As an artist in residence on the palliative care floor of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Lynn Randolph visits with dying patients and their caregivers to see if art might help.
A mother and son's photographic journey through dementia
While she was recovering, it became obvious that her memory was noticeably deteriorating, so her brother suggested moving her into a retirement home. But Tony Luciani, a full-time painter who worked from home, wouldn't hear of it. He knew that he should be the one to care for her.
Anything you want to share?
Is there a painting, photo, or some image that helped you or think may help others? Email us at Your contact information will never be displayed and is entirely confidential.
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