End With Care Blog

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Being a Family Caregiver

Posted on July 1, 2022

family careIf you have assumed some of the responsibilities of helping to care for a loved-one, you’re certainly not alone. With longer life expectancies, advances in medical care, and the desire for individuals to remain at home, more and more people are taking on this important role. In fact, a  2020 survey conducted by AARP, found that over 50 million adults in the US provide unpaid care to a family member or friend. And as the baby ...

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What You Need to Know About Anticipatory Grief

Posted on May 3, 2022

cemetaryWhen we think of grief, we often think of death. But the truth is that grief is our natural, emotional and physical response to any loss, at any time in our life – such as the loss of a job, a relationship, or with a change in your health status. Grief is not only experienced after a loss but is often felt in advance of a loss. This is called Anticipatory Grief.

What is Anticipatory Grief?
Anticipatory grief is the distress people feel in the days, weeks, months, years before a...

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An Introduction to the Death Positivity Movement

Posted on April 5, 2022

Our Death Denying Culture
cemetaryAlthough we realize that death will come to us all, it is something that most would just rather not think about. For many, the idea of talking about death is just plain morbid or provokes such anxiety that it is a subject to be avoided. But the past two years of the Covid pandemic and its heart-breaking death toll has become a very real reminder of our humanity. Perhaps it has also become an opportunity to reflect on our mortality. Allowing ourselves to think about and talk about this too often ...

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Tips for Communicating with Someone with Dementia

Posted on February 7, 2022

two womenCaring for a loved one with dementia can present communication challenges that at times can feel overwhelming for the individual, as well as for family or other caregivers. Commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia is a general term that describes the deterioration in cognitive function. Most notably, it involves memory loss, thinking and reasoning, language skills, and other social abilities. With the rising numbers of people with dementia in the US, partly due ...

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About End With Care

End With Care Corp is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization helping to provide end-of-life information and access to resources found
throughout Massachusetts.

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