End With Care Blog

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Considering the Choice to Die at Home

Posted on November 7, 2021

dying at homeLiterally for centuries in the US, end of life care was usually given by families, loved ones, or others in the community. For most Americans, death and dying happened at home.

But starting in the 1960s and 70s, what once was the most common place to die, gave way to a variety of other options. Advances in medical care coupled with more hospitals providing intensive care facilities, the rise in residential nursing facilities, and the beginnings of hospice care, led not only to changes in how we die, but also where we die. Instead of dying at home, people approached the final s...

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Resources for End of Life Education

Posted on October 15, 2021

computer google searchIf you are caring for someone at the end of life, or preparing for your own end of life journey, it can be difficult to know where to go for resources, information, and support. Whether you’re looking for care options near you, materials on end of life planning, or searching for services, the following list will help point you in the right direction. Community health centers, other support groups, medical facilities, and your own team of medical professions are also valuable resources.

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Talking About Death and Dying

Posted on September 4, 2021

ponderingTalking about death and dying is not easy. While having conversations about the end of life can be uncomfortable, they are an important step in ensuring that we all receive the care we deserve. With the right tools, you can have a meaningful conversation that will prepare you emotionally for your death and for others’ and ensure that proper support is in place.

Reflect on Your End-of-Life Care Wishes
Before you initiate a conversation with your loved ones, it may be helpful to take so...

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An Introduction to Home Care Services

Posted on August 5, 2021

handsMany older Americans are choosing to stay at home and age in place, rather than move to an assisted living facility or a nursing home. Many are also choosing to die at home, rather than in hospitals. Thankfully, there are numerous home care services available to assist the elderly as they age in place, and through their end of life journey.

Companion Care and Personal Care

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About End With Care

End With Care Corp is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization helping to provide end-of-life information and access to resources found
throughout Massachusetts.

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