End With Care Blog

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Navigating the Loss of a Loved One

Posted on March 5, 2020

woman windowDealing with the loss of a beloved family member or friend is one of the most challenging life experiences many of us will ever face. But knowing what to expect and what must be done immediately following a loved one’s death can provide us with confidence to navigate this sensitive time with grace.

Notifying Others
After a loved one passes away, one of the first things you’ll need to ...

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Speaking to Children About Death

Posted on February 3, 2020

parent and childDeath is an inevitable part of life, but speaking about this topic can be challenging, especially when talking to children. Here are some tips on how to speak to your child about death in a comforting, honest, and supportive way.

Use Clear Language
When breaking the news to a child that someone has died, be sure to use clear, simple language. Often as adults, we tend to use the euphemisms “passed away” or “lost,” but these words can confuse or even mislead children. They may think their...

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Grief and Creativity

Posted on January 7, 2020

colorful umbrellasGrief is an unavoidable and natural part of the human experience. We will all lose someone we love at some point, and we will all experience and express our grief in our own unique way. While the lifelong journey of bereavement can feel agonizing and even debilitating at times, it can also be an opportunity for growth and discovery. Incorporating creative activities during our grieving process can be both restorative and inspiring. 

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Caregiving During The Holidays

Posted on December 5, 2019

gingerbread man decorationFor many, the holiday season is a time of joy and lightheartedness, a time to spend with family and celebrate cherished traditions. But for those caring for a loved one, the holidays can be a time of added stress and frustration. Whether you are caring for an aging parent, a spouse, or even a child, here are a few tips to make the holiday season less trying and more enjoyable.

The Holiday Blues
Caregiving comes with significant responsibilities and is often a full time job. During the holidays, when decorations must be set up, extra cooking needs to be done, a...

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About End With Care

End With Care Corp is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization helping to provide end-of-life information and access to resources found
throughout Massachusetts.

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