End With Care Blog

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Memorializing Social Media Accounts

Posted on July 5, 2021

social media iconsWhen a loved one dies, the seemingly endless amount of tasks to accomplish can be overwhelming. Planning the funeral, and addressing legal and financial issues can take weeks. And in today’s digital world, managing the deceased’s social media accounts is yet another task that should be taken care of. While this responsibility might not seem so urgent, it is a critical step toward creating your loved one’s digital legacy and ensuring their privacy. Whether you choose to memorialize the accounts, delete them completely, or take no action at all, a few simple steps will help you cross this ...

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Grieving a Loved One on Special Occasions

Posted on May 5, 2021

holding a flowerSpecial occasions, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or birthdays, are typically a time of celebration. But when you are grieving a loved one, those holidays can be bittersweet. While they can bring up cherished memories, they can also evoke sadness, loneliness, and despair. On these days, perhaps you’d like to participate in an activity to remember your loved one, or maybe you’d prefer to take a day to tune out from the world. Whatever you choose, know that there is no one “right” way to grieve. Whether you feel like laying low or celebrating big,...

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Death Cafes in the Time of COVID-19

Posted on February 15, 2021

people wearing masksUnless one was around during the influenza pandemic of 1918, we have never experienced such unimaginable times. Once normal day-to-day activities have been severely limited. Our welfare has been jeopardized, and our very lives endangered. Along with these drastic changes to our lifestyle, the daily accounting of the realities of COVID-19 have made it difficult not to recognize our mortality. Although it has never been an easy subject, talking about death is as important and perhaps more needed than ever. 

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Tips for Caregivers During the Holidays

Posted on December 17, 2020

caregiver-hugCaregiving for a loved one or family member with a chronic or terminal illness is never an easy endeavor. But during the holidays, caregivers may feel increasingly overwhelmed and emotional. Here are a few practical tips to help caregivers make it through the holidays while avoiding stress and guilt, and making the most of the time they have with their loved one. 

Simplify Your Holiday Plans
Many adults feel the pressure each year to make the holiday season perfect for their...

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About End With Care

End With Care Corp is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization helping to provide end-of-life information and access to resources found
throughout Massachusetts.

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